Event on Landscape Governance at Global Landscapes Forum, December 11-22, 2017 in Bonn

The Center of Development Innovation of Wageningen University together with ZEF and Lisa Biber-Freudenberger, senior researcher of STRIVE, were hosting an event on Landscape Governance “Think Landscape” 11th to 22nd of December 2017 during the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn.

The course dealed with conflict landscapes that limit the potential for sustainable development.

In a special session, Jan Janosch Förster, senior researcher of the STRIVE project, gave a one-hour lecture on water and landscape governance.

Apply for participation and find more information here:

5th Annual Conference of the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), November 27-28, 2017 in Washington D.C.

Nicolas Gerber took part in the 5th Annual conference of the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), hosted by the World Bank Group at its headquarters in Washington D.C., November 27-28 2017. On the theme “Sustainable Infrastructure”, the conference gathered over 60 international speakers.

Nicolas Gerber was discussant to three presentations in a session on “Roads, deforestation and agricultural productivity”. He also took part in the GGKP closed meeting and workshop organized for its group of Knowledge Partners (November 29th). Key foci of the conference were on the huge potential of green infrastructure to sustain economic growth in the future and in virtually all settings, nonetheless drawing attention to existing trade-offs between green and societal development.

23rd Life Cycle Assessment Symposium, November 27-28, 2017 in Barcelona

Neus Escobar took part in the expert discussion for “Developing a SETAC position paper on consequential and attributional modelling as input to the ISO 14044 amendment considerations” on November 26, 2017 in Barcelona, in the context of the 23rd Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Symposium organized by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC-Europe.

Neus Escobar was attending the 23rd LCA Case Studies Symposium “Consequential LCA for Decision Support”, organized by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC-Europe, where she presented a framework for Consequential Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (C-IO-LCA) developed together with Martin Bruckner from the Vienna University for Economics and Business.

Find more information on

“Smallholder palm oil production in Central Kalimantan”, Landscape Talks on November 19, 2017

ZEF student Maximilian Meyer talked about “Smallholder palm oil production in Central Kalimantan – Assessing scope for improving environmental and economic performance” on the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn.

Led by the Center of International Forestry Research (CIFOR) alongside founding partners UN Environment and the World Bank, with core funding provided by the German Government, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) accelerates action towards the creation of more resilient, equitable, profitable, productive and healthy landscapes and the achievement of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).

See the talk of Maximilian Meyer here:

Videos about “Land use spillover and leakage effects” Workshop on November 9-10, 2017 in Berlin

In November 2017 Jan Börner gave a presentation about “Bioeconomy spillovers with imperfect environmental policy enforcement” at the workshop “Land use spillover and leakage effects: Towards integrating concepts, empirical methods, and models”. The workshop took place at the Robert Bosch Foundation in Berlin and was organized in collaboration between ZEF, UCL (Université catholique de Louvain), the SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and SEI (Stockholm Environment Institute).

The goal of the workshop was to bring together researchers working in areas of Land Use / Land Cover Change to discuss leakage and spillovers effects.

You can watch all presentations on ZEF’s youtube channel and download the program and presentations here.

STRIVE at UN Climate Conference COP 23, November 6-17, 2017 in Bonn

Lisa Biber-Freudenberger, senior researcher in STRIVE, was co-organizing an event during the first week of the UN Climate Conference COP 23 6th to 10th of November titled “It´s getting hot in here: Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Climate Change”.

The event dealed with the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, land degradation, protected areas and ecosystem services as well as opportunities for ecosystem-based adaptation. Everyday, between 12:00 and 13:30, another issue related to biodiversity and climate change was discussed and presented in keynotes, presentations, panel discussions and on posters.

Furthermore STRIVE was at the COP23 on Tuesday 14, 2017 at the booth of ZEF, in order to boost debate on how Bioeconomy can contribute to climate change mitigation, enhanced by governance and coordinated action.

Find more information on

Workshop on Global Responsibility and Spillover effects organized by GIZ and SDSN Germany, November 2-3, 2017 in Berlin

Senior researchers Neus Escobar and Jan Janosch Förster engaged in the SDSN-workshop on Global Responsibility and spillover effects.

Neus Escobar presented her ongoing research under the STRIVE project, specifically her methodological contribution for the development of a framework for Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based on Input-Output Analysis, together with colleagues from Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business), and also the potential implementation of LCA into the trase platform (https://trase.earth/), developed in the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) for supply chain transparency also as regards carbon and other ecological footprints.

STRIVE at Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, 2017 in Bonn

At the Conference Tropentag 2017: Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts 20th to 22nd September in Bonn, Lisa Biber-Freudenberger gave a presentation with the title “The Global Bioeconomy Landscape: What Determines National Strategic Choices?” about the results of her research on a typology of bioeconomies.

Find the abstract here http://www.tropentag.de/abstract.php?code=6hTbsXzC

Online Survey on “Bioeconomy and the SDG”

Bioeconomy is a new field of research driven by diverse expectations about how bio-based innovation could contribute (or not) to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). STRIVE has developed an Online Survey to obtain a representative overview of how experts around the world expect key dimensions of the Bioeconomy to affect selected SDG dimensions.

It takes approximately 5 minutes to answer a brief set of questions focusing on a specific area of expertise:


The Survey is open until September 30th, 2017.

Contact: Lisa Biber-Freudenberger (lfreuden@uni-bonn.de).

1st National Meeting of the Research Promotion Program: “Bioeconomy as Societal Change”

STRIVE and three other research groups met on May 2017 in Berlin to present their project, to network and to exchange ideas. The discussions covered challenges of interdisciplinary research, methods and theories, within the area of bioeconomy and societal transformation research.

STRIVE is one of four promoted research projects for junior researchers within the funding program “Bioeconomy as Societal Change”. The first status meeting was held the 9th of May at the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was organized by the Project Management Jülich (PTJ) and supported by the BMBF.

The meeting was a common kick-off for all the projects within the research program. Each research group presented their project and had the opportunity to discuss their research and challenges with other young researchers. The meeting was fruitful and highlighted some hot topics in current research areas. Interdisciplinarity, discourse analysis and system perspectives were some of the overlapping areas between several groups. The meeting resulted in valuable contacts with other researchers.